Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Why RMC is Your “Good” Broker

Ruth McClelland, COO and Head of the processing department for RMC recently read an article on What Makes a Good Mortgage Broker from a website called The Mortgage Professor. It gave tips and hints on how to know if your mortgage officer is qualified and keeps your best interest in mind.

Following are some of the points I find worth sharing:
·        “ Poor brokers constantly solicit, while good brokers enjoy referrals from previous customers and realtors”
·        “Good brokers are financial planners”
·        “Good brokers are good listeners. A good sign: Before your mortgage officer offers any opinions, he or she quizzes you about your financial status and plans”
·        “A good broker will not quote low-ball prices”
·        “Good brokers can communicate effectively with borrowers”

Why RMC falls under the “good mortgage broker”:
·        90% of RMC’s clients are repeat clients or referrals
·        Our loan officers are highly knowledgeable (with Bachelor’s and some, Master’s Degrees) and experienced. They will always present you with a proposal indicating the options best suited for your needs
·        None of RMC’s officer will quote you a price, rate, payment or interest without a full documentation of your income, assets, liabilities, credit score, etc.
·        RMC officers know that low pricing is not always accompanied by the appropriate program beneficial to a specific borrower. What RMC guarantees is a customized financial loan scenario that is to the advantage of its clients, long-term
·        The Mortgage Professor says “poor brokers frequently slip into trade jargon…and are insensitive to the client’s lack of comprehension” at RMC we explain details in conversational English. We have a corporate communications department that ensures only understandable and appropriate literature is circulated among clients and that all officers are able to translate these so-called jargons into layman’s terms

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